Friday, January 26, 2007


2 Months Old

Nicholas is now 2 months old! He had his latest doctor visit and is now weighing in at 12 lbs 13 3/4 oz. and is 23 1/4 inches long. He has been busy charming his Mom and Dad with his smiles, coos and little laughs.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Da' Bears

Nick & Daddy are celebrating the Bears Superbowl berth! Go Bears!!


Nick's first trip!

Nicholas has learned at an early age the art of vacationing! We traveled to Deer Valley, Utah to hit the ski slopes and Nick's Aunt Angela & Uncle Aaron from Chicago met us there. This was Nick's first plane ride and he did quite well! Unfortunately it was too cold for Nick to be out in the snow so he had to admire it through the window snuggled on Daddy's lap. Nick was not too fond of his cold weather apparel!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007



Nick has recently began to smile a lot more! Here are a few pictures of him hamming it up for the camera!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Out & About

Now that Nicholas is 6 weeks old we are on the go a lot more! On December 21 Nicholas met our friends at Dr.Simpson's office - where Karen worked before Nicholas' birth. "Baby Nick" was perfectly behaved during our visit! In late December we all enjoyed the "winter weather" that Phoenix offers and enjoyed a hike in the North Mountain Preserve. New Years day was celebrated with our friends the Theodores. Nick (Theodore) and Nick bonded instantly! Nicholas also met his future playmate-Lucas. On January 4th Nick went on his first outing to the Phoenix Zoo with his friends Luka and Eva. He slept through most of the outing!

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